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OpenVPN Expired Certificates

  • Sunday, 30th June, 2024
  • 02:54am

Hi, valued Clients.

This is a quick notification to clients who use our complimentary OpenVPN configurations on one of the servers listed below that the certificate has expired after three years and you will need to redownload your keys via your User Control Panel. Currently you will see a certificate error in your console.

apollo ares atlas chaos
cypher deimos delia eos
erato eros hades hebe
hera hermes hyperion ismene
janus kallisto larissa leda
leto lycus lw900 lw901
lw902 lw903 melete mimas
morpheus moon myles nephele
neo nyx oblivion oberon
oracle orion pan phoebe
pistis pluto priam psyche
theia titan trinity triton

Please accept our sincerest apologies for your inconvenience.

Best Regards, Support

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